
Sunday, January 10, 2021

Making an Adirondack Chair

Adirondack Chair - DIY

The Adirondacks are synonymous with Summer in my family. Even more, we spent a few extra honeymoon days in the 'dacks following our weeklong adventure in Vermont

I was in Lake Placid and stopped at the wonderful little bookstore on main street. It was closing time and I saw Mary Twitchell's simple Easy-to-Build Adirondack Furniture book.  The shop keeper rung me up, took my $4 and smirked and said, "give me a call after you build your chair!" 

Okay, you sassy-pants bookstore guy - I did it! While it is the basic chair, I'm pretty proud of my first attempt. I think all-in-all it cost me about $55 in materials. I used pine and about 1/3  less screws than Mary suggested. It's pretty damn sturdy and what was better, the book was perfectly put and easy to follow. I took some artistic liberties on a few sections, but happy so far. Looking forward to diving into the intermediate version, and hell, maybe a foot stool. 

$55 Materials

$4 book

Pride = you can't put a price tag on that, baby.

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